

What is a Scorecard?

  • Scorecard is a combination of rules which helps the lender do the underwriting and take decision all in automated fashion.

  • Rule execution happens in the backend and final score is displayed on the screen.

In this section of the manual, you will know:

  1. how to create a scorecard

  2. how to map the graph rule to scorecard

  3. how to map the scorecard to workflow

The following steps need to be followed for creating a scorecard on new UI:

  1. Log-in to the instance with the user Id and password and you will land on the below screen. Click on ‘Scorecard’ under ‘Business Rule Engine’ section as shown.

2. Once you click on ‘Scorecard’, you will see the below screen. Now, click on ‘Add New’ button present at the top-right corner of the screen to create a scorecard.

3. Once you click on ‘Add new’ button, you will see the below screen. Fill all the mandatory fields as required. Then, click on ‘Create Scorecard’ button.

Under ‘Rule’ field, you have to select the graph rule which you created (for example: here, I will select Age_Rule) to map the rule to scorecard.

For Graph Rule, you can access the link:

Under ‘Entity Type’ field, you have to select the appropriate entity type (here, I will select Loan Applications).

4. Once you click on ‘Create Scorecard’ button, you will see a pop-up displaying that your scorecard has been created successfully. You will also get option to edit the scorecard by clicking on the three dots displayed along the same row.

Mapping scorecard to workflow

  1. After mapping the graph rule to scorecard, you need to map the scorecard to workflow in the database as shown below.

  2. For that, you need to add your scorecard name which you created (in Step 3) under ‘config_values' in the database as shown.

(For example: here, I have added 'Age_Scorecard')