Update Billing Date


In this section of the manual, you will know how to update the billing date.

  1. Once you create the credit line account, you will see the below screen containing different tabs such as ‘Withdraw Fund’, ‘Make Repayment’. When you click on the three dots at the top-right corner of the page, you will see various options as shown. Click on ‘Update Billing Date’.


2. Once you click on ‘Update Billing Date’, you will see the below screen which contains the following fields:

  • Repaid every: Select the billing date and click on ‘Update’. To fill this, you can refer it here: Billing.

3. Once you click on ‘Update’, you will see the below screen which shows the billing details.

  • Billing Day: Every 6 months on last day (previously it was every 5 months on last day)