Creditline | Dynamic Tax Components based on Client State & Office State

This feature is to pick the appropriate tax components based on the Client State & Office State i.e

  1. If both client & office are from same state then CSGT & SGST would be applied.

  1. if client & office are from same Union territory then UTGST & CGST would be applied.

  1. if client & office are not from same state or Union territory then IGST would be applied.

  1. Config Default Address Type for GST, this is required as we can have multiple address, we need to tell system which address to use to check the state . The value to be configured is the code value id from m_code_value for that address type. Gobal Configuration name :-default_client_address_type_id

  2. Rule Configuration Please use the below insert to configure the rule for GST.

    INSERT INTO `f_risk_rule` (`entity_type`, `name`, `uname`, `description`, `default_value`, `value_type`, `possible_outputs`, `expression`, `is_active`, `version`, `definition_type`, `created_on`, `status`) VALUES (4, 'GST Tax Rule', 'GSTTaxRule', 'GST Tax Rule', '1', 0, '[]', '{\n \"inputs\": [\n \"clientStateId\",\n \"officeStateId\",\n \"isClientStateUT\"\n ],\n \"outputs\": {\n \"gstValues\": \"STRING\"\n },\n \"outputProvider\": \"BUCKET\",\n \"outputBuckets\": [\n {\n \"label\": \"UTGST_CGST\",\n \"expressions\": [\n \"#clientStateId==#officeStateId && #isClientStateUT == true\"\n ],\n \"output\": {\n \"gstValues\": \"UTGST,CGST\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"SGST_CGST\",\n \"expressions\": [\n \"#clientStateId==#officeStateId && #isClientStateUT == false\"\n ],\n \"output\": {\n \"gstValues\": \"SGST,CGST\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"label\": \"IGST\",\n \"expressions\": [\n \"true\"\n ],\n \"output\": {\n \"gstValues\": \"IGST\"\n }\n }\n ]\n}', 1, 1, 2, NULL, NULL);
  3. Tax Configuration Please refer to the below screen shot for tax configuration. Please use Rule name as GST Tax Rule which creating tax group.

  4. Updating identify for tax components, the identity names should be in sync with the rule. identity names.

  5. Creating Billing info & Mapping it to the office . Please refer below screen shots for details .