CGT (Compulsory Group Training)

CGT (Compulsory Group Training) is one of the methodology used in MFI for JLG (Joint Liable Group).

List of Methodology used in JLG are

  1. Group Formation
  2. Compulsory Group Training Process
  3. Group Recognition Test Process
  4. Disbursement Process
  5. Loan Utilization Check Process
  6. Collection Process
  7. Delinquency Management Process
  8. Center Meeting Process

The Loan Officer visit the center and he will form the groups in the centers. After the formation of Groups the LO duty is to train the groups regarding JLG (what is JLG, How JLG works, What are the rules and regulations in JLG etc). Generally training is a three day process, but it can also reduce or extend. During this process the LO should make note of attendance of each and every group member and what was thought for that day. After completing the training process the Branch Manager visit the center and he will take Group Recognition Test Process where the Branch Manager will test the group members by asking a set of questions. He will ask question to test whether the group member really understand what exactly JLG is,what are the rules and regulations under JLG etc. Finally the Branch Manager approves or reject the Groups based on the test conducted by him. After approving the Groups the groups are eligible to take loan. The disbursement and Repayment of loan happens only on center meeting dates for JLG.

Step 1: Do Configuration of enabling cgt and setting minimum and maximum cgt days.

From the main screen, click on Admin then Organization from the drop down list. This will launch the Organization menu.Click on configuration and search cgt, this will navigate to the below screen. Here you can find three configurations

enable-cgt: Enabling this configuration is mandatory for working with CGT feature. If and only if this configuration is enabled you can find the CGT tab in center screen. 

max-cgt-days: Enable this configuration to set the maximum number of CGT days for training the groups. Example: The maximum CGT days given is 3 days and the system will not allow to add more than 3 CGT days.

min-cgt-days: Enable this configuration to set the minimum number of  CGT days for training the groups. Example: The minimum CGT days given is 1 day and the system will auto-generate 1 CGT day.

Step 2: Navigate to CGT screen

From the main screen, click on Clients then Centers from the drop down list. This will launch the Center Screen and click on the center where you need to conduct training (CGT) and click on the CGT tab. This will navigate to the screen below. 

To create new CGT click on the Create CGT and all the created CGT will be listed with their respective data (CGT Name, Location, Loan Office, Expected Start Date, Expected End Date, Actual Start Date, Actual End Date, Status) as shown in the figure below.

Step 3: Create New CGT 

Clicking on create CGT will navigate to the screen as shown below. Provide all the required data and click on submit to create CGT.

  1. Loan officer: Select the Loan officer for conducting the CGT. This is mandatory field.
  2. Expected Start Date: Select the expecting date for starting the CGT and this date is not the actual start date for CGT. This is mandatory field
  3. Expected End Date: Select the expecting date for ending the CGT and this date is not the actual end date for CGT. This is mandatory field
  4. Location: Provide the Location where the CGT will be conducted.
  5. CGT Clients: Here you can find two container, one is list the clients who are not eligible for taking CGT (Clients not Undergoing CGT) and another one is to list all the clients who are eligible for taking CGT (Clients undergoing CGT). By default all the active clients under the selected center will be populated under "Clients undergoing CGT", if it is required to filter few clients who should not undergo training can be selected and pushed under "Clients not undergoing CGT".
  6. Note: Here you can type the notes.

Example: The GP,SIDDESH is the LO who is going to conduct CGT and he is expecting to start CGT on 14th Feb 2017 and complete the CGT by 16 Feb 2017 in AD Colony. He is rejecting BHAGYAMMA for some reason and rest of the clients are eligible for taking CGT. 

Step 4: Start CGT

Click on Start CGT to start the CGT. 

The start date will be the actual start date which will populate as shown in the figure. The status will change from NEW to IN PROGRESS

Add CGT Days: Click here to add CGT days. If max-cgt-days is enabled in configuration then you will be allowed to add maximum number of CGT days not more than that.

Reject CGT: Click here to reject CGT. You can reject CGT at any point of time after starting CGT.

Edit: Click here to edit the CGT day wise.

Complete: Click here to complete CGT Day wise.

Step 5: Edit CGT day

Navigate to Edit CGT day screen to edit following details, edit if any changes required and click on submit.

Schedule Date: This is the date when the LO will actually take CGT Day wise

Loan officer: Here the LO can be changed if required

Location: Here the Location can be changed if required

Step 6: Navigate to Complete CGT days screen

Here the Loan officer should take attendance of each and every clients who are undergoing CGT and he should provide the CGT completed date. If notes required he can type the notes in the notes text box and should click on submit.

Here Scheduled Date, Loan officer, Location fields are not editable. 

Step 7: Navigate to the View CGT screen

Only after completing CGT day wise the LO will be able to Complete CGT. He will be provided with three options

  1. Add CGT Days: If the training process is not complete LO will be able to add few more CGT days
  2. Complete CGT: If the training process is complete the LO can complete the CGT by clicking on this button.
  3. Reject CGT: If LO feels the group/center is not eligible he can reject the CGT.

Step 8: Navigate to Complete CGT to complete CGT process

Here the LO should select the completed date and notes if required. The Completed Date what he is providing here will be considered as Actual End Date for CGT.

Step 9: Navigate to Reject CGT screen to reject CGT.

Here the LO should select the Rejected date and Reason for rejecting. The Rejected date what he is providing here will be considered as Actual End Date for CGT.

Step 10: Navigate to the View CGT screen after the completion of CGT

Here the status will change from IN PROGRESS to COMPLETE and by clicking on View CGT Day you will be able to see the details of the selected CGT Day. 

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