User Access Management


Application users are people who work for your organization and will be using Finflux to track all the information about your organization's operations. For example: an accountant working in branch need a user account in this application to track all the accounting related tasks and information. Similarly, a branch manager needs a user account to manage his/her client's portfolios.

In this section of the manual, you will know how to add/delete and modify your organization’s users. These are people with system access working at the offices within your organization. They are subject to different restrictions based on the roles assigned to them (by the system administrator).

The following steps need to be followed for user access management on new UI:

  • To Create User

  1. Log-in to the instance with the user Id and password and you will land on the below screen.

2. Click on the drop-down beside ‘User Access Management’ under ‘Admin Home’ and you will see different options as shown. Then click on ‘Users' option.

3. Once you click on ‘Users’ option, you will see the below screen. Click on ‘Add User’ button to create a new user.

4. Once you click on ‘Add User’ button, you will see the below screen. Fill all the mandatory fields as required.

5. In ‘Permission Groups’ field under ‘Add Permission Groups’ section, you will get various options to choose from as shown. Select any one (For example: Super User). You will also get option to delete the permission group added by you (by clicking on the bin icon present beside the selected permission group).

6. Under ‘Password Details’ section, you will get two options to create your password.

  1. Auto Generate Password - Enable the ‘Auto Generate Password’ button to perform this operation and your password will be auto-generated.

  2. Manually Created Password - You have to enter the password manually in the respective fields provided as shown. This way you can create your own password.

  • To View User

  1. Log-in to the instance with the user Id and password. Click on the drop-down beside ‘User Access Management’ under ‘Admin Home’ and you will see different options under that as shown. Then click on ‘Users' option.

2. Once you click on ‘Users’ option, you will see the below screen. Select any user whom you want to view from the list of users. To select a user, click on the highlighted blue colored part (under full name) as shown. You can also click on the three dots along the row to explore more options (for example: view profile, edit/update, suspend).

3. Once you select a user, you will see the below screen which contains ‘User Details’. You will also get option to ‘Edit Profile’ (by clicking on ‘Edit Profile’ button) present at the top right corner of the page. When you click on the three dots beside ‘Edit Profile’ button, you will get options to ‘Reset Password’, ‘Suspend’ and ‘Deactivate’ as shown.

  • User Roles

  1. Log-in to the instance with the user Id and password. Click on the drop-down beside ‘User Access Management’ under ‘Admin Home’ and you will see different options under that as shown. Then click on ‘User Roles' option.

2. Once you click on ‘User Roles’ option, you will see the below screen. Now, you have two options here:

  1. To create New User Role - To perform this operation, click on ‘New User Role’ button present at the top right corner of the page.

  2. To manage User Role - To perform this operation, select and click on any user role from the list of user roles as shown.

To create New User Role: Once you click on ‘New User Role’ button, you will get the below screen. Fill all the mandatory details as required and click on ‘Save’.

To manage user role: When you select any user role from the list of user roles (for example: super user), you will get the below screen. You can view the roles/permissions a user has in various categories assigned. You will also get option to ‘Enable’, ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ the user role as shown.