BNPL | Rule Based overdue charges (daily)

update value of “fee_frequency” column to daily of PENAL charge in m_charge table.

UPDATE m_charge SET fee_frequency = 0 WHERE charge_identifier = "PENAL";


If you don’t have PENAL charge in m_charge table then add new row.

INSERT INTO m_charge (id, name, system_code, currency_code, charge_applies_to_enum, charge_time_enum, charge_calculation_enum, charge_payment_mode_enum, amount, fee_on_day, fee_interval, fee_on_month, is_penalty, is_active, is_deleted, min_cap, max_cap, fee_frequency, income_or_liability_account_id, tax_group_id, emi_rounding_goalseek, is_glim_charge, glim_charge_calculation_enum, is_capitalized, charge_percentage_type, charge_percentage_period_type, version, is_slab_based, decimal_places, rounding_mode, charge_category_enum, is_accruable, charge_event_type, is_collected_as_cash, score_name, charge_percentage_calc_days_in_year_type, is_update_through_discount, min_amount, max_amount, business_identification_code, add_to_disbursal, charge_identifier, is_charge_calculation_inclusive_of_tax) VALUES (25, 'ABFL Penal Charge', NULL, 'INR', 5, 9, 10, 0, 100.000000, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, b'1', NULL, 0, 'creditlineOverdueAmountFetcher', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, 'OF', b'0', 'PENAL', 0);