Old Standard Reports Shipped in Finflux

In Finflux, all the data being generated while handling Loan Accounts, Saving Accounts, Clients, Accounting, Funds etc can be viewed through the Reports tab. The most commonly used reports are shipped with the Finflux download. Other reports are available as part of our finflux Business Intelligence Suite built on Pentaho, a free open-source business intelligence application. 

The Standard Reports in finfluxX are generally categorized into six groups: 

1) Clients

2) Loans

3) Savings

4) Funds

5) Accounting

6) XBRL 

On this page:

Running Standard Reports

  1. Click on 'Reports' tab and choose the type of report you want to generate.

  2. Once you choose the  type of Report, the next window shows all the reports under that category.(In this case, Accounting type Report is selected)
  3. Select the report, you want to generate( In this case, Balance Sheet  is selected)

  4. As shown in above, the output type of  Report can be selected by drop-down menu. You can generate the Reports in any one of the  three formats namely,
    i. Excel
    ii. PDF
    iii. CSV
  5. Click on 'Run Report' to generate the report for viewing in specified format. 

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