Form Page

The Form page layout is used to fill in the field values related to a single occurrence of a type of information in the Finflux system. The Form page is used when creating or editing information.

The finflux menu bar and the Shortcut sidebar menu are available on form pages.

The grey bar under the finflux menu bar provides context for the form fields displayed below it.

The remainder of a form page displays labels and fields, action buttons, and, optionally, links to additional information.

Labels are static and are paired with a field, or used as headers to tie together a group of related fields.

The type of data that can be entered in to a field determines the appearance of the field on the form.

List fields display a single down arrow or a pair of up / down arrows on the right side of the field. When you click a list field, a list of available and allowable values will open. To select the desired value, click it.

Date fields and free form entry fields appear the same on a form page; however, when a date field gets focus (by tabbing to it or clicking it), a calendar will pop up. Navigate the calendar pop-up to select the correct date value. 

Free form entry fields are used to fill in values using a combination of letters and numbers. Some fields, however, are restricted to numbers only. If letters are typed into a number-only field, an error will be displayed after the Submit button is clicked.

Check boxes are small square boxes. Check boxes are either turned on (checked) or off (not checked). When you tab to a check box, its border will turn blue indicating that it has focus. If the check box is off, clicking it or pressing the space bar when it has focus will turn it on. If the check box is on, clicking it or pressing the space bar when it has focus will turn it off. 

Fields that must have a value in them in order to save the form are indicated by a red "*" beside their label.

Like other page formats, forms use a bright blue colour to indicate actions. Form pages usually have at least a bright blue Submit action button. To save the information entered into a form, click the Submit action button. The grey (sometimes orange??) Cancel button exits the form without changing.

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